Show your teen how 'homework' helps you One important lesson to teach your teen is that doing homework pays off, even in adulthood. We all need to prepare for work or activities. Set an example: While your teen does homework, do some yourself. Check notes for a meeting, write down the names of people you have to call, or pay bills. Show your teen that good homework habits are valuable forever.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Help your teen create a résumé that works Whether your teen is applying for a part-time job or a college scholarship, a résumé can help. It should include her name and address, her school information and any awards or honors she's earned. Even if your teen hasn't had any paying jobs yet, she can include descriptions of experience such as pet sitting, volunteering or leading a school club. She should also include special skills, such as being bilingual.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Help your teen stock up on essentials for success Do you know what your teen needs to succeed in school and life? One expert suggests that it comes down to self-respect, goals, communication skills, social skills, stress management, exercise and family support. Family support may be the most important. Your love and acceptance gives your teen a foundation for developing all the other elements of success.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Expose your teen to positive peer pressure Peer influence isn't always a negative force. You can help your teen experience positive peer pressure, too. Encourage activities and interests that will let him meet others who are likely to be positive role models. To start, help him find school-based extracurricular activities that match his interests. Community service clubs and youth groups are other good options.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
No one is perfect. But everyone can learn You want your teen to do his best in school. But that's different than demanding that he BE the best. Aiming for excellence is healthy and motivating. Insisting on perfection is unrealistic and stressful. Learning a new skill with your teen is a great way for each of you to put mistakes into perspective. They offer valuable opportunities to learn about a topic…or yourself!
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Support your teen by showing you care Nothing supports teens like knowing that their parents love them. And nothing gets that message across like showing them. Try to do a few special things for your teen each week. Tuck a treat in her backpack where she'll find it at school. Give her a copy of her favorite magazine. Put your love in writing on a greeting card. And schedule some time to spend together one-on-one.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Your teen is not too old for a bedtime The last thing your teen probably wants right now is a regular bedtime. But getting enough sleep is critical to doing his best in school. Loss of sleep for two or more nights in a row can affect your teen's mood, his alertness, his attention span and his ability to perform on tests. Help your teen stick to a regular, healthy sleep schedule that lets him get eight to 10 hours of sleep every 24 hours.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Compliment specific actions you want your teen to repeat You know that praise from you can motivate your teen. But vague compliments, such as, "You're great!" may do little to inspire her. Instead, praise your teen's actions. If she's done a fabulous job on a presentation, don't say "How wonderful!" Instead, say, "You backed your points up with great examples. I can really understand your argument!" Knowing her actions have merit encourages your teen to repeat them.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Active listening encourages teens to open up Teens need to know that their parents are there to listen to them. One of the best ways to show this to your teen is with a technique called active listening. To listen actively, create opportunities to let your teen talk without distractions. Concentrate on what he says, and restate what you hear to confirm your understanding. It is important to show respect for your teen's ideas, even if you don't agree with them.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
We’re thrilled to announce Webster County Board of Education’s new app! It’s everything Webster, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Specific questions improve conversations about school Talking to your teen about school reinforces its importance. It also helps you know what's going on. Instead of "How was your day?" ask your teen specific questions. "Which class do you do best in?" "Do any classes seem too difficult?" "How do teachers show interest in your ideas?" "Who could you go to at school with a problem?" "What would you tell a friend from another school about your school?"
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Let your teen experiment with homework task order One strategy that helps students stay organized is to make a homework to-do list each day. But what task should your teen do first? Many teens tackle the toughest assignment first, when they are freshest. Others find starting with an easy task gives them a feeling of confidence and accomplishment that helps them take on the more challenging work. Have your teen try both ways and decide what works for him.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Issue a challenge to encourage responsibility Being responsible means actually doing what we say we're going to do. In order to behave responsibly toward others, we have to learn to follow through on promises we make to ourselves. To get this lesson across to your teen, take a challenge with her: Each of you choose one thing that's been on your to-do list for at least a week and do it today.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Turn passive screen time into active learning Many teens watch TV shows and videos passively, with their minds disengaged. To use screen media to get your teen thinking critically instead, watch together. Afterward, discuss these topics: Is the conflict in the show similar to one your teen has faced? What perspectives did the main characters bring to the conflict? How did they respond? What were the consequences? Were there other alternatives?
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Share a study process to boost reading recall Every teen needs to know how to read to understand the meaning of a detailed passage. Teach your teen to think of the letters PQRST. P is for Preview to identify the main points. Q is for Questions to ask himself about what he can learn from the passage. R is for Reread to find answers to his questions. S is for Study the passage and summarize facts to remember. T is for Test himself and be sure he understands all the answers.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Short chats add up to meaningful conversation A teen who longs for independence may not have any interest in a long talk with you. But you can still talk with her about issues that matter. Just figure on five or six short talks instead of one long one. Talk about something for five minutes, then, as she disappears into her room, press the "pause" button. After dinner, pick up where you left off. Over time, you'll cover the issue, just in short bursts. Short chats add up to meaningful conversation A teen who longs for independence may not have any interest in a long talk with you. But you can still talk with her about issues that matter. Just figure on five or six short talks instead of one long one. Talk about something for five minutes, then, as she disappears into her room, press the "pause" button. After dinner, pick up where you left off. Over time, you'll cover the issue, just in short bursts.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Sign a safety contract with your new driver Responsible students take safety seriously. If your teen has just gotten a driver's license, creating a contract can help him take responsibility for driving safely. In it, spell out exactly what is and isn't allowed. For example, "No one who has had even one drink may drive the car" and "No texting or even looking at your phone while driving." Lay out consequences clearly. Then require your teen to continue to practice driving with you.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Expand your teen's experience by reading aloud When children hit adolescence, many parents stop reading to them. But reading aloud offers benefits to teens. Choose books or articles that let your teen experience someone else's mistakes or discoveries. Read things that help her realize she is not the first person to deal with a difficult situation. Ask a librarian for help choosing titles. Another bonus: If your teen likes what she hears, she may read more herself!
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Help your teen see how math's pieces fit together Much of math is like a puzzle. It can be hard to see where the new piece fits until you look at the existing pieces. Don't let your teen lose too many pieces of the puzzle. Even if he has no math homework due the next day, encourage him to work at least a few problems every day. This will reinforce the concepts in his mind, and it can help him see how the next assignment fits in.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Enrich your conversations with your teen Most days, teens and parents talk about topics such as schedules, meals or homework. This is necessary talk, but it's not what brings families closer. At least once a day, make time to ask your teen about something that doesn't involve the tasks at hand. Ask her about a feeling, an interest or an idea she might have. You may learn more about your teen, and she'll know you care what she thinks.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger